Plug & Play BackPlane supports the incorporation and stacking of VAC UPS,
Battery Expansion, AC to DC Power Sources and VDC UPS pluggable power modules.
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Plug & Play BackPlane supports the incorporation and stacking of VAC UPS,
Battery Expansion, AC to DC Power Sources and VDC UPS pluggable power modules.
To provide a highly flexible and robust method for establishing an intelligent and integrated power management system within the space limited confines of portable, shelter, and vehicle based platforms, AJP’s Power Source Inc. has developed the first Rugged UPS BackPlane Stacking System. This system is based on a Plug-&-Play UPS BackPlane Module (BPM) that consolidates all of the Input/Output power, associated alarm, status, and network connections for the integrated power management stack.
The BPM enhances the implementation of integrated stacks by consolidating all of the Input and Output cabling of the power modules into a single I/O structure.
This process significantly reduces the number and amount of cable connections and provides a common set of solid state connections for the integration of the attached power modules within the BackPlane structure. In addition, a multi BackPlane Synchronization Port has been added to the design to allow multiple BackPlanes to be connected allowing for the creation of 3U, 4U, 5U, 6U, 7U 8U, 9U and 10U stacking configurations.
By stacking UPS modules in a BackPlane configuration, leveraging the PowergridM Load Balancing design, if a unit should fail, the operator is notified via SNMP based network signaling. In an N+1 configuration, the adjacent units load share up to carry the necessary current needed to provide no disruption to the attached equipment.
To allow for a significant reduction is maintenance efforts, the BPM slots are “Hot Swap” allowing for removal and replacement activities regardless of operational mode with little to no system down time. In addition, PowergridM hosts a unique “front access only” design for maintenance. Utilizing a stainless steel slip pin design on the rear bracket connections, UPS, BXM, AC/DC or DC power modules can be removed and replaced (Plug-&-Play) from the front of the stack with no rear access required. This requires no system down to perform maintenance. In addition to the consolidation of power I/O connections, BackPlanes can be equipped with Emergency Power Off (EPO) and Primary Power Loss Alarm Port connections. For conservation of battery energy, several implementation methods are available to provide forced power shedding of non-critical connections.
To learn more about our UPS BackPlane Stacking system and our BackPlane Special Features, please do not hesitate to call our office today at (813) 996-2583 or Contact us by email.
1U 800 watts UPS – Standalone Stackable to:
800 watts UPS | 1600 watts UPS | 2400 watts UPS | 3200 watts UPS
1U 800 watts UPS – BackPlane Stackable to:
1600 watts UPS | 2400 watts UPS | 3200 watts UPS | 4000 watts UPS
1U 1000 watts UPS – Standalone Stackable to:
1000 watts UPS | 2000 watts UPS | 3000 watts UPS | 4000 watts UPS
1U 1500 VA UPS – Standalone Stackable to:
1500 VA UPS | 3000 VA UPS | 4500 VA UPS | 6000 VA UPS
1U 1200 watts UPS – Standalone Stackable to:
1200 watts UPS | 2400 watts UPS | 3600 watts UPS | 4800 watts UPS
1U 1500 VA UPS – Backplane Stackable to:
1500 VA UPS | 3000 VA UPS | 4500 VA UPS | 6000 VA UPS | 7200 VA UPS
1U 1200 watts UPS – Backplane Stackable to:
1200 watts UPS | 2400 watts UPS | 3600 watts UPS | 4800 watts UPS | 6000 watts UPS
2U 3000 VA UPS – Standalone Stackable to:
3000 VA UPS | 6000 VA UPS | 9000 VA UPS
2U 2400 watts UPS – Stackable to:
2400 watts UPS | 4800 watts UPS | 7200 watts UPS